
This is the latest update of the fb monetization policy, updated on July 22, 2022. The Policy is subject to regular review as stated in the document.

Content Monetization Terms


The Ads Tool (“Ads Tool”) allows you to have Meta place Ads into or around some of your content. You may be eligible to earn a share of revenue from Ads delivered as a result of your Ads Tool elections. By clicking “Accept,” you agree to the following:

Ad. Means an advertisement or promotion, including a video advertisement which can be in the form of a pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll or other format/placement specified by Meta.

Ads Tool. Means the interface Meta may provide to you whereby you can elect to have Meta display Ads within your content (or other format or placement specified by Meta).

Content. Means your content (e.g. videos, photos, stories or other formats specified by Meta) (i) that meets the terms and conditions in these Content Monetization Terms (“Terms”), (ii) that is posted on a Facebook page or profile owned and operated by you (as specified in your Business Manager Account or similar interface specified by Meta) and (iii) for which Meta makes the Ads Tool available.

Creator, you, or your. Means the person or entity that authors or owns the Content, or its authorized agent (as applicable).

Meta, we, our, or us. Means Meta Platforms, Inc., Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, or any related Meta entity.

  1. Before we can pay you, you must successfully complete all program onboarding and our payment enrollment process. Completion of the payment enrollment process within six months after you accept these Terms is a condition of payment. If you do not complete the payment enrollment process within six months after accepting these Terms, you forfeit and waive all rights to receive payment of any funds.
  2. No payment will be made for any Content that violates any of Meta’s terms or policies, including Content that is identified as potentially infringing the rights of any third party.
  3. Your use of the Ads Tool is subject to, and you agree to comply with: (a) Partner Monetization Policies and (b) Content Monetization Policies.
  4. If you choose to monetize your content pursuant to these Terms, information that identifies you (including things such as Creator name and username) and information about your content (including things such as URL, follower count and views) may be shared with third parties, including advertisers and measurement partners, to provide them with, among other things, (i) visibility into the content by which their ads appear and (ii) the ability to prevent (or allow) ads from appearing near your content.
  5. Your acceptance of these Terms does not guarantee access to the Ads Tool. Meta reserves the right to provide or restrict your access to the Ads Tool in its sole discretion at any time. During any period in which you have access to the Ads Tool, Meta is not obligated to insert any Ads in your Content. Meta and advertisers may block Ads in your Content for any or no reason, even if the Content otherwise complies with Meta’s terms or policies. You may be provided tools to block specific advertisers of your choice, but you will otherwise not have control over the Ad content.
  6. All Ads are subject to Meta’s Community Standards and Advertising Policies.
  7. There are no representations, warranties or guarantees, express or implied, about how much, or whether, you will receive payment.
  8. You will only provide Content for which you own and/or control all rights (or have obtained all necessary licenses/permissions to such rights), globally, including rights in any sound recordings or musical compositions included in the Content and any performers appearing in it, and your Content will not infringe the rights of any third parties.
  9. For any Content in which you trigger Ads using the Ads Tool and for which Meta displays Ads, subject to and only in the event that you are in compliance in all respects with these Terms, Meta will pay you at least 55% of the Net Revenue (defined below) derived from such Content as solely determined by Meta. “Net Revenue” means (a) the amounts actually collected by Meta from advertisers for Ads displayed within your Content (or other format or placement specified by Meta), minus (b) deductions for any fraud or other legal violations, violations of Meta’s terms or policies, bad debt, chargebacks, refunds, credit card processing fees, and any third party fees and costs (such as but not limited to payments to third party rights holders in your Content), all as solely determined from Meta’s records and figures and regardless of whether incurred in connection with the specific Content or your other Content in which Ads Tool Ads are displayed. Subject to these Terms and provided that you have accurately completed and timely provided to Meta any forms or documentation that Meta requests to set up payment to you (which payment information you must keep accurate and up-to-date) provided that you have the requisite authority to provide such information, payments will be made within approximately 30 days after the end of the calendar month in which such Net Revenue is generated. Meta will not be responsible for any subsequent fees applied by your financial institution to complete payment to you. Furthermore, in the event the payment due to you would be less than One Hundred United States Dollars ($100.00), Meta reserves the right to roll such payment over month to month until such payment threshold is met (unless your account is deactivated or terminated, in which case you forfeit any accrued amounts), at which time Meta will make the applicable payment to you. Meta reserves the right to deduct from any payments due or payable to you any amounts that are past due and remain uncollected by Meta from you in connection with any other Meta product or service. If you are acting as an agent (including, but not limited to, an agent or representative of a Creator), you represent and warrant that you are authorized to provide the specific payment information which you give to Meta and, where applicable, to receive payment from Meta. Meta is not responsible for, and will not adjudicate, any disputes between you and any other entity relating to (a) the payment information that you provide to Meta or (b) the payment or any apportionment of the payment between you and any third party.
  10. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, Meta may display an Ad at any insertion point, format or placement in your Content (or such format or placement specified by Meta) in Meta’s discretion, unless you have indicated within the Ads Tool that you wish to opt-out (if available) of any relevant feature with respect to an insertion point, format or placement. No payment will be made for any Content that violates the TOS, including Company Content that is identified as potentially infringing the rights of any third party.
  11. You will not, and will not authorize or encourage any third party to, directly or indirectly, generate viewers or generate impressions, clickthroughs, conversions or other actions with respect to an Ad through any automated, deceptive, fraudulent or otherwise invalid means, including through repeated manual clicks, the use of “robots” or other automated tools, or by payment of money, false representation, or any illegal or otherwise invalid means for end users to take actions with respect to an Ad.
  12. You will provide Meta with applicable tax ID, tax forms, documents, or certifications as may be required by applicable law for Meta to satisfy any tax information reporting and/or withholding tax obligations with respect to any payments hereunder. Where applicable, Meta shall be entitled to deduct and withhold from any consideration payable such amounts as are required to be deducted or withheld therefrom under any provision of US Federal, state, local or foreign tax law, or under any other applicable law (such amounts, “Withholding Taxes”). Where applicable, you agree that you will be solely responsible for compliance with local tax regulations applicable to such fee. Where applicable, you (a) agree that Meta will prepare and issue VAT invoices under self-billing arrangement, (b) acknowledge and accept the validity of such self-billed invoices, and(c) agree that you will be responsible for timely remittance to applicable tax authorities of any tax amounts on such self-billed invoices that were paid to you by Meta. You acknowledge that Meta is subject to U.S. economic restrictions and trade sanctions. As such, Meta reserves the right to deny payment of monthly fees when required by applicable law.
  13. In the event that any remittance made by Meta to you is subject to any withholding tax, the full amount of that withholding tax shall be solely for your account. Meta may deduct the full amount of such withholding tax from the gross amount owed to you, and will pay the full amount withheld over to the competent tax authorities.
  14. If you are using any of these features on behalf of a third party (including, but not limited to, as an agent or representative of a Creator), you represent and warrant that you have the authority as agent of such party to use such features on their behalf, agree to these Terms, and hereby bind such party to these Terms. You agree to indemnify and hold Meta harmless from any claims, suits, losses, liabilities, damages, costs, and expenses resulting from your breach of the Terms. If you are accepting these Terms as admin of Facebook Business Manager for your business, these Terms shall apply to Content on all Facebook Pages and profiles owned or operated by your business at the time of acceptance and thereafter.
  15. You will not issue or permit any other party to issue any press release or otherwise make any public statements or disclosures (including via online media) regarding these Terms, the transactions contemplated by these Terms or consummated hereunder, or about the relationship of the parties without the prior written approval of Meta.
  16. You may extend these Terms to any of your affiliates, subject to Meta’s prior written approval, in which case, (a) you enter into these Terms on behalf of yourself and such participating affiliates, (b) you shall remain responsible for a breach of these Terms by such affiliates, and (c) references to “you” or “your” herein shall be interpreted as applying to such affiliates where applicable
  17. You represent and warrant that: (i) you have the full right and power to agree to these Terms and to perform your obligations hereunder; and (ii) the performance of your obligations hereunder will not conflict with any obligations you may have to any other party.

The parties hereby supplement and amend the terms of Meta’s Terms of Service (currently found at including the Commercial Terms, Advertising Policies and all other terms, conditions and policies incorporated therein (collectively, the “Meta Terms”) by means of these Terms. The Ads Tool is part of the “Meta Products” under the Meta Terms, and your use of the Ads Tool is deemed part of your use of Meta Products. In the event of any express conflict between these Terms and the Meta Terms, these Terms will govern solely with respect to your use of the Ads Tool and solely to the extent of the conflict. These Terms do not alter in any way the terms or conditions of any other agreement you may have with Meta. Meta reserves the right to monitor or audit your compliance with these Terms and to update these terms from time to time, and your continued use of the Ads Tool constitutes acceptance of those changes.


Last Modified: July 22, 2022

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